
2Sa 7:28 “Now therefore, Lord GOD, you are God,
and your words are true,
and you have spoken to your servant these good things.
2Sa 7:29 So may it please you to bless the household of your servant,
so that it might remain forever in your presence, because you, Lord GOD, have spoken,
and from your blessing may the household of your servant be blessed forever.”

Let Us Pray; Father God, Please Bless Me
According To The Words And Promises You Gave Me

Morning By Morning

Lam 3:22 Because of the LORD’s gracious love we are not consumed, since his compassions never end.
Lam 3:23 They are new every morning—great is your faithfulness!
Lam 3:24 “The LORD is all I have,” says my soul, “Therefore I will trust in him.”

Trust in God with all your heart, for he Loves you!


Blessed and praised be our Father, the God of Hosts.
Who in his immense mercy has seen it fit to set the captives free by his son,
our brother and Lord Jesus.

Blessed and praised is our Father, The God of Hosts.
For he IS.
and by that one that is, all were created, even man.
And by one fallen star, through one man.
Sin entered this world, and all died.

Blessed and praised is our Father, the God of Hosts.
For even though all were dead, through one man
even his only son, salvation came to all.

Blessed and praised is our Father, the God of Hosts.
For in that day, even I was saved. But none knew it, not even I.

Blessed and praised is our Father, the God of Hosts.
Even though many still do not know that we were all saved by that one man,
a while ago, who was even his son, and our only brother.

Blessed and praised be our Father, the God of Hosts.
For there is one Lord, and all that are one in him, all work towards that one day,
when all who KNOW that there is one God, one contender, one sin,
one Jesus, and one salvation for all who believe, will inherit the Kingdom.

Blessed and praised be our Father, the God of Hosts.
And in that day, all have that one perfect faith, with one God, and one Shepherd,
as one Fold unto one God, our Father.

The God of our Lord Jesus

Blessed be the God of our Lord Jesus,
Blessed be our Brother and Lord Jesus,

Blessed be the faithful saints

Praised be the Angels from the Third Heavens.

Almighty God , I thank you for ALL YOU Have laid out for me in this world, even though I am vile.
And Even though I am vile, I stand boldly before your throne, for I am washed in the blood of Jesus.

Almighty God, I forgive every one that has done wrong to me, or that I percieved to have done wrong to me (in that case I forgive myself)

Father, in Jesus name I remit their sins.

Father I cast down everything that has been sent to me, transferred to me, assigned to me, that you have not laid out for me.

Thank you Father, my Almighty God, The God of my brother and Lord Jesus.

Father, Let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Testimony on this your Holy day

Father, I thank you for this your Holy Day.
I praise you for setting everything at our disposition in Jesus name.

Praised and Blessed is our Lord Jesus.
Blessed are the saints and faithful in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Father, for the hosts of Powers and Angels that you have set at our disposition in Jesus name.

Father, let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere in Jesus name.

Father, you who know the hearts of all men, you who know my heart Father.
Set my things before me so I may find them, as I have little strength, and seem to find only that which is not mine, you know what I am referring to, and you promised you would set it for me.

Thank you Father, for everything you have laid out for me in this world and in the worlds to come.

Praised and blessed and Holy and Perfect are you Father,
There is none besides you.
You are Above, and my LORD, and everything I know and long for.

You are LIFE,
and if my Life should be without you Father,
then I have no use for that life ,
then there is no use for me,
then I am dead, and should die.

Father, let your will be done on this earth as it is in the third heavens, in Jesus name

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Workers of the LORD

Blessed and Praised is the Father of our Lord Jesus.
Blessed and Praised is the Son of our LORD God.

Praised and Blessed are all his workers, whom they send out to do his works.

Thank you father for sending your workers out to me, in this mine dire hour.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for making us Kings and Priests unto your Father, The God of Hosts.

Bless thy workers Father, for their message of Hope and perseverance has reached me.
Father, please help your workers achieve everything they need and want today, on this your holy day Father.
Father, on this your holy day, today, I pray so that whatever that worker of yours asked me for, be granted her, in the name of Jesus.
Let her find a Job she likes Father, and let her have no more cares for the day, in Jesus name.

Father, let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

I Thank You

Praised and Blessed is our Father, the God of Hosts.
Blessed and Praised is our Brother Jesus

Blessed and Praised are the Saints within.

Thank you for this beautiful day Father.

Thank you for cleansing us with the blood of our Lord Jesus.

Father, let the Holy spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

A little prayer for today

Praised and Blessed be our Father.
Who reigns over all from his heavenly throne in the heaven of heavens

Blessed and praised is our Lord Jesus,
In whom we reign as members of the church, his body.

Father, I remit the sins of all who have anything against me, and I command their words to fall back upon their own heads, in Jesus name.

Father, I thank you for everything you have laid out for me in this world and in the worlds to come.
Thank you for providing for me Father.

Father, let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

The Charity of our Lord Jesus

Blessed and Praised is The God of Hosts and His Son Jesus, in whom we are made Priests and Kings to our Father.

Father, I thank you once again for sustaining me and for giving me the means to endure.
Thank you Father for all your blessings and for all you have laid out for me.

Lord Jesus, I LOVE being a member of your body, and I would utterly despair at the sole thought of that not being so, but I am comforted by the notion, Yes lord Jesus, I KNOW!

That you made me a part of your body, without any expectation on your part, so there is nothing I do or don’t do to affect my being in your body, Lord Jesus.
It is only your will, and your sacrifice, that makes me a part of your body, the Church, and a Priest and King on to the God of Hosts, Our Father.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Father, let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Thank you for the answer

you know the answer for everything and anything,
and for everyone and anyone,
and ALL,..thou knowest!,

And I thank you for your always prompt answers, and for giving me whatever I need.

Thank you father, who are Holy AND Blessed AND Praised for ever and ever, Amen.

Lord Jesus, keep me washed and cleansed and sanctified in your blood , for ever and ever, without end , Amen.