
Blessed and praised is our Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the God of Hosts.
Praises and Blessings to my brother Jesus , for making us kings and priests unto God and his Father.

Praises to the Saints within.
Blessed is everything and everyone in the Third Heavens.

Father, I do not know how, but with your help I will overcome, what ever it is that is like a stumbling block at this moment.

The one thing that I can do is to redirect my Focus. And Focus back on you, on my brother Jesus and on your word Father.

I have been letting the things of this earth distract me, with all the consequences that these distractions bring father.

And as always, the things of this earth do not bring me …anything….at least not the things that distract me Father.
So without much ado, Let me start on that section about you Father, in Jesus name.

Proverbs 3:27

Greetings, Blessings and Praises to all the Saints and the Kings within.
I just want to testify that sometimes we can hear The Lord very clearly (when we pay attention and are silent in the spirit).
Today Just after listening to a passage from Proverbs PRO 3:27, that states that if it is in your power to help someone needy, you should not say no, someone called me asking for a favor which is in my power, so I smiled and said yes.
This is the faith of the saints.
How does it go again…?
“we preach Christ, crucified, (THIS is the Power of our Lord), but to the Greeks,… it is mere foolishness….” 1CO 1:23

World without end father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Boldly Before Your Throne Father

Father, I come boldly before your throne and ask…Is this all there is?
…. throngs and throngs of desperate people seeking love and fellowship, without ever being able to find it because all the gold is under a humongous layer of… muck, of darkness,
… this can not be ALL FATHER… I KNOW it is NOT! Your word says differently and you promised us a glorious reign on this earth, if we kept ourselves in you and on your path.

This being true Father, because we that believe KNOW it is true Father, let this be my request, you said you would provide me with everything I wanted if I kept myself to you Father, so here is my request….please lift that covering of muck from all around us, please enlighten our eyes so we may see your purpose, your will, your reward (EPH 1:18),
set us on our paths so that we may prosper and build great houses on unmovable FOUNDATIONAS ..ON JESUS!
Yes Father, you show us…you show me, for what I see is an abyss, a pit, And I know that there is something else there that you have laid out Father, I know it is there, in the same place as the abyss, just sitting there , waiting for us to see and uncover it.

So Father, give us your mercy, and show us your grace. We have done, and will keep on doing (one more time for the Lord !). But as you promised, grant us the spoils, sustain us, so that the contender may not say that you are powerless to provide for us Father, deal with us as you must, but sustain us and let not the contender mock your word Father.

Glory to our Father, The LORD, God of Hosts, who chastises who he cares for and teaches all his children, and sustains us all with his Love and Mercy.. because of His Charity.

Blessing and Praises to my Father most high and to my Lord, my brother Jesus, Amen

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Asking for forgiveness

Whenever you do something wrong, The Holy Spirit within you will let you know immediately that you have sinned and the only thing you must do is just ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus.

That’s all, go directly to the Lord and submit yourself to his Judgment and mercy, receive his pardon, take note not to repeat what you did “you are forgiven, now go and sin no more”, and go on with your life.

Don’t hold it in as a secret, for that is a snare; a trap well laid that will “spring” in the future.
You don’t want your sins coming back to haunt you, do you?

So remember, Just ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus at once, or at least as soon as you realize that it was not ok.

Life is much nicer and easy when you are with(in) Jesus, for his yoke is easy, and his burden is light (MAT 11:30)

No Care for Today

So we take no care about today , and certainly not about tomorrow, for we are The Lord’s, and he takes care of us.
Blessed is he who purposed this, Blessed is our Father, the God of Hosts.

Even when it seems that you may have done wrong with what he has given you, never forget that he is merciful, just turn to him and ask for forgiveness in Jesus name and go on receiving, he understands, and will correct you.

He loves you, and wants you to submit to his mercy and his Glory.
For ever and ever, Amen.


Son 7:13 The mandrakes give out a sweet smell, and at our doors are all sorts of good fruits, new and old, which I have kept for my loved one.

Thank you father, for all that you have laid out for me and for letting me know that it was you that laid it out for me, and that my brother Jesus, my Lord, has sanctified me so that I may receive it. 1)1Co 2:9 But as it says in the holy Writings, Things which the eye saw not, and which had not come to the ears or into the heart of man, such things as God has made ready for those who have love for him.
Father, I know that that which is mine is mine and none can come between that, and all that is not for me is not mine, and my declaration is that I do not want nor need what is not mine.

Thank you Father, in Jesus name, and let the Holy Spirit increase, everywhere.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

11Co 2:9 But as it says in the holy Writings, Things which the eye saw not, and which had not come to the ears or into the heart of man, such things as God has made ready for those who have love for him.


Thanks and Praises to my Father, the God of Hosts, and to my Lord and Brother, HIS Son, Jesus, for their abundant mercy in providing me with what I needed, at the precise time I need it and I submit myself to their Judgment and will do so for ever and ever, Amen.

Thank you, I have asked for your mercy and have received it.
Let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.