Instead of cursing God he cursed himself

Job 3:1
Then, opening his mouth, and cursing the day of his birth,

Job 3:2
Job made answer1)Job 2:9 And his wife said to him, Are you still keeping your righteousness? Say a curse against God, and put an end to yourself. and said,

Job 3:3
Let destruction take the day of my birth, and the night on which it was said, A man child has come into the world.

Job 3:25 For I have a fear and it comes on me, and my heart is greatly troubled.
Job 3:26 I have no peace, no quiet, and no rest; nothing but pain comes on me.

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1Job 2:9 And his wife said to him, Are you still keeping your righteousness? Say a curse against God, and put an end to yourself.