Am I the sort of man to go in flight? I will not

Will I Go In Flight? No

Jesus is Lord

And I said, Am I the sort of man to go in flight? what man, in my position, would go into the Temple to keep himself safe? I will not go in.
Nehemiah 6:11

the world is always trying
to discourage the man of God it’s always
trying to instill fear in them fear
because their numbers are greater
because of this because of that yet God
is one God is one so there is no need to
be fearful of numbers the devil and the
demons are many yet as they lost then
they lose now and will lose again
in the end

blessed be our Lord in Jesus

mighty name amen blessed be our Lord

I pray, I pray,
that at all opposition,
at all traps, at all wisdom,
at all craftiness,
that you might be able to
see wholeheartedly, not just with your
lips, not just as lip service,
but that your first reaction in your mind,
in your heart, in your soul be the reaction of
the spirit “am I the sort of man to go in
flight?”; “will I not drink of the cup that
my father has given me?”, “am I the sort of
man to go in flight?”
“I will not”

Blessed be our Lord in

Jesus mighty name Amen