Holy Kiss

Blessed is our Father, The God of Hosts, who in his immense mercy and power made us heirs to an incorruptible inheritance through our Lord Jesus, his son.
Praised and Blessed is our Lord Jesus, who made us Kings and priests unto the LORD, his Father.

Blessed and Praised are the faithful, who follow the lamb and are perfect in the sight of the LORD.

Blessed and Praised are the Saints within, who obediently order this world according to the law set forth by our LORD.

I salute you with a Holy Kiss.
The Churches of the Lord Jesus salute you

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

He made us Kings and Priests

Blessed is our Father, the God of Hosts and our Brother, the King of Kings.
Our Brother, Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth, who in his great mercy choose to make us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father .
Whose great mercy always has a door open for us to escape from the wiles of the enemy.
Whose enormous mercy cleanses us with his blood, the blood of the Lamb.
Which sanctifies us and redeems us, restoring the authority God gave us from the foundation of this earth to order, rule and minister this earth.

Now the only thing that we can do is, the thing that he did.
Through charity,
Charity which washes our sins away.

So let us be charitable unto our brothers.
As he is charitable unto us all.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Love and Charity to man

Blessed and Praised is our Father, The Lord, God of Hosts, AND our Brother, The King of Kings, Our Lord Jesus.

Blessings and Praises to the Saints and Kings within.
Praises and Blessings to the Angels and the Powers from the Throne of The Lord, our Father.

Thank you Father, for Laying out everything we need in this world, thank you Father, for being merciful unto all that want.

Love and Charity to mankind,
May The Lord’s workers visit all seekers and wise men, and may The Lord teach each and everyone elect according to his mercy and purpose.

Let the will of our Father be done in this world through the body of our Lord Jesus, for ever and ever, Amen.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Boldly Before Your Throne Father

Father, I come boldly before your throne and ask…Is this all there is?
…. throngs and throngs of desperate people seeking love and fellowship, without ever being able to find it because all the gold is under a humongous layer of… muck, of darkness,
… this can not be ALL FATHER… I KNOW it is NOT! Your word says differently and you promised us a glorious reign on this earth, if we kept ourselves in you and on your path.

This being true Father, because we that believe KNOW it is true Father, let this be my request, you said you would provide me with everything I wanted if I kept myself to you Father, so here is my request….please lift that covering of muck from all around us, please enlighten our eyes so we may see your purpose, your will, your reward (EPH 1:18),
set us on our paths so that we may prosper and build great houses on unmovable FOUNDATIONAS ..ON JESUS!
Yes Father, you show us…you show me, for what I see is an abyss, a pit, And I know that there is something else there that you have laid out Father, I know it is there, in the same place as the abyss, just sitting there , waiting for us to see and uncover it.

So Father, give us your mercy, and show us your grace. We have done, and will keep on doing (one more time for the Lord !). But as you promised, grant us the spoils, sustain us, so that the contender may not say that you are powerless to provide for us Father, deal with us as you must, but sustain us and let not the contender mock your word Father.

Glory to our Father, The LORD, God of Hosts, who chastises who he cares for and teaches all his children, and sustains us all with his Love and Mercy.. because of His Charity.

Blessing and Praises to my Father most high and to my Lord, my brother Jesus, Amen

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

Asking for forgiveness

Whenever you do something wrong, The Holy Spirit within you will let you know immediately that you have sinned and the only thing you must do is just ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus.

That’s all, go directly to the Lord and submit yourself to his Judgment and mercy, receive his pardon, take note not to repeat what you did “you are forgiven, now go and sin no more”, and go on with your life.

Don’t hold it in as a secret, for that is a snare; a trap well laid that will “spring” in the future.
You don’t want your sins coming back to haunt you, do you?

So remember, Just ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus at once, or at least as soon as you realize that it was not ok.

Life is much nicer and easy when you are with(in) Jesus, for his yoke is easy, and his burden is light (MAT 11:30)

No Care for Today

So we take no care about today , and certainly not about tomorrow, for we are The Lord’s, and he takes care of us.
Blessed is he who purposed this, Blessed is our Father, the God of Hosts.

Even when it seems that you may have done wrong with what he has given you, never forget that he is merciful, just turn to him and ask for forgiveness in Jesus name and go on receiving, he understands, and will correct you.

He loves you, and wants you to submit to his mercy and his Glory.
For ever and ever, Amen.


Thanks and Praises to my Father, the God of Hosts, and to my Lord and Brother, HIS Son, Jesus, for their abundant mercy in providing me with what I needed, at the precise time I need it and I submit myself to their Judgment and will do so for ever and ever, Amen.

Thank you, I have asked for your mercy and have received it.
Let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.

My Jesus Loves Me

Just realized after hearing a song that my Jesus REALLY loves me.
Yes, I know that God and Jesus really love me because everything that is said about the saints in the bible is true.
Yes, you only have to submit to God and our Lord Jesus, turn away from evil (the prince of this world with his many temptations) and everything you can ever imagine is yours , for God knows before you know, and Jesus Redeemed and Sanctified us 2000 years ago.

Turn away from the temptations of the Prince of this world… does that mean that you have to stay away from everything that is enjoyable to the body?

Well, if it is against the Law, then yes.

But what it mostly means is that you do not let anything from this earth be a SNARE TO YOU, THAT YOU DON’T LET THINGS FROM THIS WORLD BECOME SO IMPORTANT TO YOU, THAT YOU LOVE THEM MORE THAN YOU LOVE GOD.

Rev 12:11

“and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, by the words of their testimony.
And they loved not their lives unto the death….” (KJV)

Yes that is how you overcome the prince of this world so that he no longer has a hold over you, so that you can receive the inheritance that God has laid out for you in this world.

So remember, The first thing you need to defeat the contender is the blood of the Lamb, You need Jesus.
The second thing is their testimony, you have to praise God, and make your testimonies against the prince of this world.
And thirdly, do not love anything from this earth more than you love God, not even yourself, for there is none besides him.

Remember, you must be able to let everything of this life go. Do not cherish things. They are here for your use, not the other way around.

Because he (the contender) has already been separated, he wants you to be separated also, so he makes you “bound” to the things of this earth, so you will never see the communion with our Father God and with our Lord Jesus.

Praises and blessings to our God most high, our Father, my Father, the God of Hosts, and to our Lord Jesus, my Brother.
From this Priest and King, from me.

We are here to break bonds, and achieve communion with God and Jesus. And take dominion over this earth, and rule, and judge, and order all things.

Jesus loves you, he stands at the door and knocks, open the door and he will sup with you, open the door, he really loves you.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen

Love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Father, may always help me and keep me onto his path, and protect me from all the darts of the enemy, and always remind me of his way if my attention is elsewhere.

I love you God, and I love Jesus, and I love the Holy Spirit, and that tells of my position regarding all other men, as the Holy Spirit is in all men as purposed by our Father the God of Hosts and effected by our Lord and brother Jesus, the lord of lords.

Blessings to the saints and kings in my Lord Jesus, and to all the angels and powers from the third heavens.
Blessed is my father the God of hosts, and blessed is my brother Jesus the Lord of Lords, my Lord.

May they always bless me and keep me on their path, for I am a priest and king of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, and a brethren amongst many.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, amen.

New Light

Okay, today I decided to go out and about and see how beautiful the winter is , and naturally , Gods works are wondrous, and I have to marvel every time I see them.

It is a cold sunny day and even the people look great and the things that they have made to rise their stature also look good, of course, because ALL is Gods handiwork, everything made by man … yes… who made man? So everything is the Lords.

But to have that radiance the people need the sun? Or is it just the new light with which I am seeing people, and the light that I see in people.

All is well and all is made by the Lord or something he made, because the lord Is Light (and LIFE), and there is none besides him.

This is what I have come to see, and that we should always help others (heap coals of fire on their heads, so they should always walk with their own light and warmth, that will soften up even steel so that Gods workers may be able to mold that soul).

And this is what God sent Jesus to testify, that all are worth saving , because all are beautiful and for all he has plans ( God wants all to be saved but not all will be saved, some will not understand and turn away from Gods workers, hopefully he will send more workers later on when their “stiff necks” have been softened up a little.

Glory to our Father the God of Hosts, and to our Brother, The King of Kings, Our Lord Jesus.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen.