
Blessed be our father,
the God of Hosts and our brother,
my Lord Jesus,
In whom we were made Kings and Priests unto God and his Father,
to minister to him perpetually,
for ever and ever, Amen.

Who purposed us as rulers, judges, saints, and younger brothers.
To do as he did, AND subject the contender AND break his powers AND break his yokes AND set the captives free.
Whom set us free, because we were powerless under the yoke of the prince of this world under whom we were born in past times,
and whom we rule through the comforter,
that was set in us,
as a minister in his church,
at resurrection,
since when we have ALL authority AND ALL power to put the contender under HIS feet,
who we are,
as full members of the body of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus.