Our requests to God

James 4:2
You are burning with desire, and have not your desire, so you put men to death; you are full of envy, and you are not able to get your desire, so you are fighting and making war; you have not your desire, because you do not make request for it.

James 4:3
You make your request but you do not get it, because your request has been wrongly made, desiring the thing only so that you may make use of it for your pleasure.

blessed be the name of the Lord his name

is Jesus we thank you Lord for all who

visit us we thank you for those who are

with us we thank you for all those who

are with you who you hold in your hands

Lord we thank you Lord for being our

Lord we thank you for this day for

everything that’s gonna happen in this

day for those we will meet those who

will encourage those who will encourage

us we thank you Lord for all of your

creation in Jesus mighty name amen now

have mercy on us Lord and when when we

make requests that are not the right

thing change it up for us Lord make a

request for us intercede for us lord

know that we need more of your help to

be able to request the right thing Lord

but as your wor word already gives some

guidance towards it lord I pray that all

may request your things Lord your work

Lord and not just things for our own

personal pleasure we thank you Lord for

who you are for what you’ve done and for

what you’re about to do James for James

4 verse 3 James 4 verse 3 you make your

request but you do not get it because

your request has been wrongly made

desiring the thing only so that you may

make use of it for your pleasure it’s

not about how you made your request a

lot of people think that there is a


way in which you may must request things

from God a certain form a formality but

it’s just that a formality God who

searches the hearts of men searches as

to why you are requesting them it is not

that first you have to say five times Oh

Holy Father hear my request it’s not at

first you have to pray the prayer of

Jabez it’s not at first you have to pray

this thing and that thing that it’s all

that is all form those are all examples

it is about why you are requesting the

thing for you know in your heart in your

soul why you’re requesting it and God

searches the hearts to find out why you

want a certain thing if we look at James

4 verse 2 we will see you are burning

with desire and have not your desire so

you put man to death you are full of

envy and you are not able to get your

desire so you are fighting and making

war you have not your desire because you

do not make requests for it you make

your request but you do not get it

because your request has been wrongly

made desiring the thing only so that you

may make use of it for your pleasure and

is about requesting things of the world

request for the Holy Spirit requests for

the knowledge of God’s Word

requests for knowing God o you James 4

verse 4 who are false to God do you not

see that the Friends of this world are

not God’s his friends every man desiring

to be a friend of this world makes

himself a hater of God I pray Lord we

are not your haters help us guide us

features to make requests there are for

your pleasure Lord make our hearts

hearts of flesh so that in our requests

your mercy your selflessness might be

shown Lord in Jesus mighty name amen

blessed be our Lord let the holy spirit

increase everywhere amen amen and amen

blessed be our Lord let us do our

reading so lord give us your word speak

with your voice speaking through the

hearts of those who are under the power

of your voice let us all as Christians

be free from the friendship of the world

and be submitted submitted to Christ to

God shutting down every contact with the


the lusts of this world for something

that you imagine a thought can be a lost

if it’s not submitted to God the worldly

and fleshly lusts the things we desire

in this world are things with which

interfere with our contentment and

satisfaction in the Lord blessed be your

Lord and may he give us that peace

between man and God that no man can give

that nothing in this world can give

remember look around you the rich and

the poor commit suicide and fall prey to

the whisperings of the enemy who seeks

to destroy God’s creation a certain part

of it certainly not himself yet let us

pay attention as to what we desire for

God looks and why we desire something

what are we going to do with it what are

we going to do with it

bless it be your Lord Lord give us your

word speak with your voice speak unto

the hearts of those who are under the

power of your voice in Jesus mighty name


blessed be our Lord blessed be your

Lord in Jesus mighty name amen

James for verse one James for verse one

what is the cause of wars and fighting

among you what is the cause of war and

fighting is it not your desires which

are at war in your bodies the essence of

war is not this one or that person its

desires within our bodies within our own

minds within our own hearts within our

own souls that’s where it starts the

Word of God says let no one who is dual

minded think that he will receive

anything from God

why cause do all mindedness means that

there’s a lust a desire for things of

the world which creates war which

creates fighting among people first –

you are burning with desire and have not

your desire and so you put man to death

you are full of envy and you are not

able to get your desire so you are

fighting and making war you have not

your desire because you do not make

requests for it you don’t ask you want

to take the teeth the land grabber the

rapists all of those they have a desire

or lust they do not ask

they make no requests but go and try to

take the one who starts the war and

whatever level

verse three you make your request now we

come on to those who do make a request

but you do not get it why because your

request has been wrongly made and it’s

not how you make the request but how the

state of your heart is when you make

that request what is your purpose

why are you desiring that thing desiring

the thing only so that you may make use

of it for your pleasure it’s a selfish

desire and so you won’t get it unless

you get it from the world which is a

whole other can of worms oh you James

for verse four o you who are false to

God do you not see that the Friends of

this world are not God’s friends every

man desiring to be a friend of this

world makes himself a hater of God or

does it seem to you that it is for


that the holy writings say the spirit

which God put into our hearts has a

strong desire for us do you think it is

nothing but he gives more grace so that

the writings say God is against the man

of pride but he gives grace to those who

make themselves low before him every

time you do something out of pride don’t

even think that because you have a Bible

open but you’re doing something out of

pride that it pleases God it does not it

does not

God is against the man of pride lust

desire and pride the thing that things

that are mentioned that bring man down

and I mean mankind that bring it down to

the ground like the beasts in the field

lust desire and pride for this cause

because you do not want to be a hater of

God for this cause be ruled by God but

make war on the evil one and he will be

put to flight before you and our warfare

is not carnal in nature but it’s again

against spiritual wickedness in high

places war against the evil one come

near to God verse 8 and he will come

near to you make your hands clean you

evildoers put away deceit from your

hearts you false in mind false in mind

because sometimes people say the right

thing but God searches not lip service

but he searches the hearts to know what

and why it is coming out of their mind

be troubled with sorrow and weeping let

your laughing be turned to sorrow and

your joy to grief for those of us who

are well trying to make requests for

things of the world

make yourselves low in the eyes of the

Lord and you will be lifted up by him

the Lord says

seek the Lord and he who knows that you

need things of the world he will give

them to you because he knows that you

need things in the world it’s as simple

as that verse 11

do not say evil against one another my

brother’s he who says evil against his

brother or makes himself his brother’s

is judge says evil against the law and

is judging the law and in judging the

law you become not a doer of the law but

a judge there is only one judge and

lawgiver even he who has the power of

salvation and of destruction but who are

you to be your neighbor’s judge who are


are you on desiring things of the world

or are you one desiring God how foolish

it is James 4 verse 13 how foolish it is

to say today or tomorrow we will go into

this town and be there for a year and do

business there and get wealth how

foolish it is the Word of God says the

inspired Word of God says to make plans

about getting wealth how foolish it is

when you are not certain what will take

place tomorrow

what is your life it is a myth vaporware

which is seen for a little time and then

is gone but the right thing to say would

be if it is the Lord’s pleasure and if

we are still living we will do this and


but now you go on glorying in your pride

and all such glory is evil the man who

has knowledge of how to do good and does

not do it to him it is sin realize that

the Lord many of the prophets were

always against the priests against the

Pharisees against the Sadducees against

those who knew the Word of God why

because to them transgressing it going

against it is sin because they know it

because they know it those who have no

knowledge of God who have no knowledge

of the law of God and in many instances

are innocent for they do not know it but

those who know it yet still do the

wisdom of the world to them it is sin I

pray I pray that we may all be able all

be able to make our requests seek and

you shall find ask and you shall receive

knock and the door will be opened find

secret find receive open to what do the

infilling with the Spirit of God that

one spirit for God is spirit that works

differently too many people in a

different way yeah

still the same spirit and through that

spirit be one with God and receive His

blessings for he is the one who opens up

the gates of his storehouse of blessings

over us I pray that at all times you may

turn your eyes away from the things of

the world to seek the things of God in

Jesus mighty name amen

blessed be our Lord may all your

requests be for God’s pleasure may all

your requests may God see that you are

his friend and not a hater of God in

Jesus mighty name amen

blessed be our Lord blessed

Submit To God, Give Yourselves To God

Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1)Jas 4:7 Por tanto, sométanse a Dios. Resistan, pues, al diablo y huirá de ustedes. NBLH 2)Jas 4:7 Soumettez-vous donc à Dieu; résistez au diable, et il fuira loin de vous. FLS 3)Jas 4:7 Zo onderwerpt u dan Gode; wederstaat den duivel, en hij zal van u vlieden. DSV

Give yourselves to God.
Stand against the devil, and he will run away from you.
Give yourselves to God,
come near to God and he will come near to you.
You are sinners, so clean sin out of your lives.
You are trying to follow God and the world at the same time.
Make your thinking pure.
Be humble before the Lord,
and he will make you great.
Submit yourselves to the Lord,
and he will cleanse sin out of your lives.

Thank You Abba Daddy
Heavenly Father, Thank You For The Blood.
We Are Not Able To Cleanse Ourselves.
Only Jesus Can,
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus.
He Stands At The Door And Knocks,
So I Give Myself To The Lord,
That He May Cleanse Me.
I Give Myself To You,
Lord Jesus.
Have Your Way.
Blessed Be The Lord,
In Jesus Name, Amen.

1Jas 4:7 Por tanto, sométanse a Dios. Resistan, pues, al diablo y huirá de ustedes. NBLH
2Jas 4:7 Soumettez-vous donc à Dieu; résistez au diable, et il fuira loin de vous. FLS
3Jas 4:7 Zo onderwerpt u dan Gode; wederstaat den duivel, en hij zal van u vlieden. DSV