Blessed and Praised be the God of Hosts

Blessings and Praises to our Father, the God of Hosts and to our brother, the Lord of Lords, our Lord Jesus.
Praises and Blessings to the Saints and Kings within.
Praises and blessings to the Angels and Powers from the third heaven.

Greetings, love and mercy to the faithful.

Thank you Father to all that you have abundantly bestowed unto us on this day, thank you Father, for everything and all that you have laid out for us in this world and in the worlds to come.

Thank you Lord Jesus, for cleansing us , and sanctifying us before our Father.

Father, let us go out now, you, our Lord Jesus and me, and let us do your will on this world as it is in the Third Heavens

Thank you Father for the hosts of angels and powers that you have set at our disposition in Jesus name.

World without end Father, in the name of Jesus.
World without end, Amen

Father, let the Holy Spirit increase everywhere, in Jesus name.