Jesus Christ Always Helps You When You Come Before God

Heb 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

1)Heb 7:25 Por lo cual El también es poderoso para salvar para siempre a los que por medio de El se acercan a Dios, puesto que vive perpetuamente para interceder por ellos. NBLH 2)Heb 7:25 C’est aussi pour cela qu’il peut sauver parfaitement ceux qui s’approchent de Dieu par lui, étant toujours vivant pour intercéder en leur faveur. FLS 3)Heb 7:25 Waarom Hij ook volkomenlijk kan zalig maken degenen, die door Hem tot God gaan, alzo Hij altijd leeft om voor hen te bidden. DSV

1Heb 7:25 Por lo cual El también es poderoso para salvar para siempre a los que por medio de El se acercan a Dios, puesto que vive perpetuamente para interceder por ellos. NBLH
2Heb 7:25 C’est aussi pour cela qu’il peut sauver parfaitement ceux qui s’approchent de Dieu par lui, étant toujours vivant pour intercéder en leur faveur. FLS
3Heb 7:25 Waarom Hij ook volkomenlijk kan zalig maken degenen, die door Hem tot God gaan, alzo Hij altijd leeft om voor hen te bidden. DSV

Righteousness By Faith In Jesus

Rom 3:24 And they may have righteousness put to their credit, freely, by his grace, through the salvation which is in Christ Jesus:
Rom 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

All have the opportunity to be right with God,
To stand blameless before God,
Because of His Free Gift,
By the grace and mercy of God, through Jesus Christ our savior.

God sent Jesus as a sign of his mercy,
As the only way that leads directly to God.
By believing in Jesus,
In the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus,
which washes white as snow, and makes blameless.
By believing in the exceeding power of God at the resurrection of Jesus,
Who was dead because of all the sins of the world, and was brought back to life.
God shows his righteousness, his justice, and above all, his mercy.
He took away all our sins, without punishing us, because he loves us and has pity on us.
Bless The LORD.

1)Rom 3:24 Todos son justificados gratuitamente por Su gracia por medio de la redención que es en Cristo Jesús,
Rom 3:25 a quien Dios exhibió públicamente como propiciación por Su sangre a través de la fe, como demostración de Su justicia, porque en Su tolerancia, Dios pasó por alto los pecados cometidos anteriormente, NBLH
2)Rom 3:24 et ils sont gratuitement justifiés par sa grâce, par le moyen de la rédemption qui est en Jésus Christ.
Rom 3:25 C’est lui que Dieu a destiné, par son sang, à être, pour ceux qui croiraient victime propitiatoire, afin de montrer sa justice, parce qu’il avait laissé impunis les péchés commis auparavant, au temps de sa patience, afin, dis-je, FLS
3)Rom 3:24 En worden om niet gerechtvaardigd, uit Zijn genade, door de verlossing, die in Christus Jezus is;
Rom 3:25 Welken God voorgesteld heeft tot een verzoening, door het geloof in Zijn bloed, tot een betoning van Zijn rechtvaardigheid, door de vergeving der zonden, die te voren geschied zijn onder de verdraagzaamheid Gods; DSV

Now, we have knowledge that what the law says is for those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and all men may be judged by God:
Because by the works of the law no man is able to have righteousness in the eyes of God, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin. Just like Adam and Eve where separated from God by eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil.
But now without the law there is a revelation of the righteousness of God, to which witness is given by the law and the prophets;
That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, to all those who have faith; and one man is not different from another,
For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God;
And they may have righteousness put to their credit, freely, by his grace, through the salvation which is in Christ Jesus:
Whom God has put forward as the sign of his mercy, through faith, by his blood, to make clear his righteousness when, in his pity, God let the sins of earlier times go without punishment;
And to make clear his righteousness now, so that he might himself be upright, and give righteousness to him who has faith in Jesus.
What reason, then, is there for pride? It is shut out. By what sort of law? of works? No, but by a law of faith.
For this reason, then, a man may get righteousness by faith without the works of the law.

Father God, We Thank You For Your Mercy
That Is Greater Than Your Judgement
We Thank You For Showing Us That Man Will Not Live By Judgement ,
But By Your Mercy, Which Endures Forever

So Today My Prayer Is
That You Show All Mankind Your Mercy
That Their Hearts May Be Softened
So They Might See The Glory Of Jesus
And May Let Him Into Their Hearts
That Jesus Might Show Them Your Mercy And Love,
For As A Man Judges, So You Judge Him.
I Thank You Lord

Lord Jesus
Fill Us With Your Love And Mercy
And Let The Holy Spirit Increase
Everywhere, That Is Under The Power Of Your Voice.

1Rom 3:24 Todos son justificados gratuitamente por Su gracia por medio de la redención que es en Cristo Jesús,
Rom 3:25 a quien Dios exhibió públicamente como propiciación por Su sangre a través de la fe, como demostración de Su justicia, porque en Su tolerancia, Dios pasó por alto los pecados cometidos anteriormente, NBLH
2Rom 3:24 et ils sont gratuitement justifiés par sa grâce, par le moyen de la rédemption qui est en Jésus Christ.
Rom 3:25 C’est lui que Dieu a destiné, par son sang, à être, pour ceux qui croiraient victime propitiatoire, afin de montrer sa justice, parce qu’il avait laissé impunis les péchés commis auparavant, au temps de sa patience, afin, dis-je, FLS
3Rom 3:24 En worden om niet gerechtvaardigd, uit Zijn genade, door de verlossing, die in Christus Jezus is;
Rom 3:25 Welken God voorgesteld heeft tot een verzoening, door het geloof in Zijn bloed, tot een betoning van Zijn rechtvaardigheid, door de vergeving der zonden, die te voren geschied zijn onder de verdraagzaamheid Gods; DSV

Circumcision of the Heart

Rom 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

1)Rom 2:29 Pues es Judío el que lo es interiormente, y la circuncisión es la del corazón, por el Espíritu, no por la letra; la alabanza del cual no procede de los hombres, sino de Dios. NBLH 2)Rom 2:29 Mais le Juif, c’est celui qui l’est intérieurement; et la circoncision, c’est celle du coeur, selon l’esprit et non selon la lettre. La louange de ce Juif ne vient pas des hommes, mais de Dieu. FLS 3)Rom 2:29 Maar die is een Jood, die het in het verborgen is, en de besnijdenis des harten, in den geest, niet in de letter, is de besnijdenis; wiens lof niet is uit de mensen, maar uit God. DSV

Paul wrote this to the Christians in Rome
And we know that it is still true today
For many get distracted in keeping with created things and created rules.
Instead of keeping the creator in our hearts.
Because without our creator in our hearts. The outward signs and rules have no meaning to God.

The true believer is not one who only shows outward signs, and the presence of the Lord is not something that can be seen in outward signs:
But a true believer is one, who carries (the Law of) the Lord in his heart, in the spirit and not (only) in outward physical signs; whose praise is not from men, but from God.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.

1Rom 2:29 Pues es Judío el que lo es interiormente, y la circuncisión es la del corazón, por el Espíritu, no por la letra; la alabanza del cual no procede de los hombres, sino de Dios. NBLH
2Rom 2:29 Mais le Juif, c’est celui qui l’est intérieurement; et la circoncision, c’est celle du coeur, selon l’esprit et non selon la lettre. La louange de ce Juif ne vient pas des hommes, mais de Dieu. FLS
3Rom 2:29 Maar die is een Jood, die het in het verborgen is, en de besnijdenis des harten, in den geest, niet in de letter, is de besnijdenis; wiens lof niet is uit de mensen, maar uit God. DSV

The Peace Of Jesus.

Joh 14:27 “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.

1)Joh 14:27 “La paz les dejo, Mi paz les doy; no se la doy a ustedes como el mundo la da. No se turbe su corazón ni tenga miedo. NBLH 2)Joh 14:27 Je vous laisse la paix, je vous donne ma paix. Je ne vous donne pas comme le monde donne. Que votre coeur ne se trouble point, et ne s’alarme point. FLS 3)Joh 14:27 Vrede laat Ik u, Mijn vrede geef Ik u; niet gelijkerwijs de wereld hem geeft, geef Ik hem u. Uw hart worde niet ontroerd en zij niet versaagd. DSV

Once Again, The Word of The Lord came upon the Beloved Of The LORD, I asked and she gave it to me.

Jesus gives you peace as an inheritance.
He gives you HIS Peace, which is rooted in his knowledge and fellowship with the Father.
Jesus gives peace differently than then world does.
Jesus gives Peace because he wants to, not because he has to, or for political correctness.
Jesus gives deeply rooted abundant peace, not superficially.
Jesus gives total and perfect peace, not partial.
Jesus gives peace with no measurable end, he does not stop giving peace, unlike the world , which gives peace only by its own measure.
Because of who he is, he gives eternally, unlike the world that gives temporarily.
So don’t let the world upset you. Don’t be afraid of the world, worldly things or worldly people.

1Joh 14:27 “La paz les dejo, Mi paz les doy; no se la doy a ustedes como el mundo la da. No se turbe su corazón ni tenga miedo. NBLH
2Joh 14:27 Je vous laisse la paix, je vous donne ma paix. Je ne vous donne pas comme le monde donne. Que votre coeur ne se trouble point, et ne s’alarme point. FLS
3Joh 14:27 Vrede laat Ik u, Mijn vrede geef Ik u; niet gelijkerwijs de wereld hem geeft, geef Ik hem u. Uw hart worde niet ontroerd en zij niet versaagd. DSV

Jesus, The Good News Of God

Rom 1:5 By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name

1)Rom 1:5 Es por medio de El que hemos recibido la gracia y el apostolado para promover la obediencia a la fe entre todos los Gentiles, por amor a Su nombre; 2)Rom 1:5 par qui nous avons reçu la grâce et l’apostolat, pour amener en son nom à l’obéissance de la foi tous les païens, 3)Rom 1:5 (Door Welken wij hebben ontvangen genade en het apostelschap, tot gehoorzaamheid des geloofs onder al de heidenen, voor Zijn Naam;

The Good News is Jesus, his Son who, in the flesh, came from the family of David,
But was marked out as Son of God in power by the Holy Spirit through the coming to life again of the dead; Jesus Christ our Lord,
Through whom grace has been given to us, sending us out to make disciples to the faith among all nations, for his name:
And you in the same way have been marked out to be disciples of Jesus Christ

We thank you for your mercy and grace LORD.
Jesus, Lord of Lords.
The Son, in whom you are well pleased.
We listen and follow him and him alone.
For Jesus Is Lord!

1Rom 1:5 Es por medio de El que hemos recibido la gracia y el apostolado para promover la obediencia a la fe entre todos los Gentiles, por amor a Su nombre;
2Rom 1:5 par qui nous avons reçu la grâce et l’apostolat, pour amener en son nom à l’obéissance de la foi tous les païens,
3Rom 1:5 (Door Welken wij hebben ontvangen genade en het apostelschap, tot gehoorzaamheid des geloofs onder al de heidenen, voor Zijn Naam;

God Bless Our Mothers

Pro 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed;

1)Pro 31:28 Sus hijos se levantan y la llaman bienaventurada, 2)Pro 31:28 Ses fils se lèvent, et la disent heureuse; 3)Pro 31:28 Koph. Haar kinderen staan op, en roemen haar welgelukzalig;

Strength and self-respect are her clothing; she is facing the future with a smile.
Her mouth is open to give out wisdom, and the law of mercy is on her tongue.
She gives attention to the ways of her family, she does not take her food without working for it.
Her children get up and give her honour, and her husband gives her praise, saying,
Unnumbered women have done well, but you are better than all of them.
Fair looks are a deceit, and a beautiful form is of no value; but a woman who has the fear of the Lord is to be praised.
Give her credit for what her hands have made: let her be praised by her works in the public place.

Thank you Father, for the faith you gave our mothers. 4)Heb 11:11 And by faith Sarah herself had power to give birth, when she was very old, because she had faith in him who gave his word; 5)Gen 25:21 Isaac made prayer to the Lord for his wife because she had no children; and the Lord gave ear to his prayer, and Rebekah became with child.
Gen 25:22 And the children were fighting together inside her, and she said, If it is to be so, why am I like this? So she went to put her question to the Lord.
Gen 25:23 And the Lord said to her, Two nations are in your body, and two peoples will come to birth from you: the one will be stronger than the other, and the older will be the servant of the younger.
6)Exo 2:2 And she became with child and gave birth to a Son; and when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she kept him secretly for three months.
Exo 2:3 And when she was no longer able to keep him secret, she made him a basket out of the stems of water-plants, pasting sticky earth over it to keep the water out; and placing the baby in it she put it among the plants by the edge of the Nile.
Exo 2:4 And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him.
Exo 2:5 Now Pharaoh’s daughter came down to the Nile to take a bath, while her women were walking by the riverside; and she saw the basket among the river-plants, and sent her servant-girl to get it.
Exo 2:6 And opening it, she saw the child, and he was crying. And she had pity on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews’ children.
Exo 2:7 Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, May I go and get you one of the Hebrew women to give him the breast?
Exo 2:8 And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Go. And the girl went and got the child’s mother.
Exo 2:9 And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Take the child away and give it milk for me, and I will give you payment. And the woman took the child and gave it milk at her breast.
7)1Sa 1:20 Now the time came when Hannah, being with child, gave birth to a son; and she gave him the name Samuel, Because, she said, I made a prayer to the Lord for him.
1Sa 1:21 And the man Elkanah with all his family went up to make the year’s offering to the Lord, and to give effect to his oath.
1Sa 1:22 But Hannah did not go, for she said to her husband, I will not go till the child has been taken from the breast, and then I will take him with me and put him before the Lord, where he may be for ever.
8)Luk_1:7 And they were without children, because Elisabeth had never given birth, and they were at that time very old.
Luk_1:13 But the angel said, Have no fear, Zacharias, for your prayer has come to the ears of God, and your wife Elisabeth will have a son, and his name will be John.
9)Mat_1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. 10)Mat_1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. 11)Mat_2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Thank you Father, for giving our mothers the gift to conceive from the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Father, For creating everyone in your image.
Thank you Father, for your gift of belief in Jesus The Christ.

And today, at the gates, we praise and honor our mothers for being in awe of You.
May all the Glory be to you, God.
We Bless our mothers in Jesus name, Amen.

1Pro 31:28 Sus hijos se levantan y la llaman bienaventurada,
2Pro 31:28 Ses fils se lèvent, et la disent heureuse;
3Pro 31:28 Koph. Haar kinderen staan op, en roemen haar welgelukzalig;
4Heb 11:11 And by faith Sarah herself had power to give birth, when she was very old, because she had faith in him who gave his word;
5Gen 25:21 Isaac made prayer to the Lord for his wife because she had no children; and the Lord gave ear to his prayer, and Rebekah became with child.
Gen 25:22 And the children were fighting together inside her, and she said, If it is to be so, why am I like this? So she went to put her question to the Lord.
Gen 25:23 And the Lord said to her, Two nations are in your body, and two peoples will come to birth from you: the one will be stronger than the other, and the older will be the servant of the younger.
6Exo 2:2 And she became with child and gave birth to a Son; and when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she kept him secretly for three months.
Exo 2:3 And when she was no longer able to keep him secret, she made him a basket out of the stems of water-plants, pasting sticky earth over it to keep the water out; and placing the baby in it she put it among the plants by the edge of the Nile.
Exo 2:4 And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him.
Exo 2:5 Now Pharaoh’s daughter came down to the Nile to take a bath, while her women were walking by the riverside; and she saw the basket among the river-plants, and sent her servant-girl to get it.
Exo 2:6 And opening it, she saw the child, and he was crying. And she had pity on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews’ children.
Exo 2:7 Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, May I go and get you one of the Hebrew women to give him the breast?
Exo 2:8 And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Go. And the girl went and got the child’s mother.
Exo 2:9 And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Take the child away and give it milk for me, and I will give you payment. And the woman took the child and gave it milk at her breast.
71Sa 1:20 Now the time came when Hannah, being with child, gave birth to a son; and she gave him the name Samuel, Because, she said, I made a prayer to the Lord for him.
1Sa 1:21 And the man Elkanah with all his family went up to make the year’s offering to the Lord, and to give effect to his oath.
1Sa 1:22 But Hannah did not go, for she said to her husband, I will not go till the child has been taken from the breast, and then I will take him with me and put him before the Lord, where he may be for ever.
8Luk_1:7 And they were without children, because Elisabeth had never given birth, and they were at that time very old.
Luk_1:13 But the angel said, Have no fear, Zacharias, for your prayer has come to the ears of God, and your wife Elisabeth will have a son, and his name will be John.
9Mat_1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
10Mat_1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
11Mat_2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Sin, righteousness and judgment

Joh 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment

1)Joh 16:8 “Y cuando El venga, convencerá (culpará) al mundo de pecado, de justicia y de juicio NBLH 2)Joh 16:8 Et quand il sera venu, il convaincra le monde en ce qui concerne le péché, la justice, et le jugement FLS 3)Joh 16:8 En Die gekomen zijnde, zal de wereld overtuigen van zonde, en van gerechtigheid, en van oordeel DSV

Now that the Holy Spirit is in us and among us, he shows to all who live according to the worldly things how wrong they are about sin, about being right with God, and about judgment.

Because the basis of The LORD’s judgement is belief on Jesus.
The Spirit will prove how guilty any one is of sin, because they don’t believe in Jesus.
The Spirit will show the wrong teachings about how to be right with God. The Holy Spirit will do this, because Jesus is now seated next to the Father.
And The Spirit will show them how wrong they are as they judge according to the flesh, because their leader, the ruler of this world, the prince of the power of the air, has already been condemned.

1Joh 16:8 “Y cuando El venga, convencerá (culpará) al mundo de pecado, de justicia y de juicio NBLH
2Joh 16:8 Et quand il sera venu, il convaincra le monde en ce qui concerne le péché, la justice, et le jugement FLS
3Joh 16:8 En Die gekomen zijnde, zal de wereld overtuigen van zonde, en van gerechtigheid, en van oordeel DSV

Out Of The World I Call My Sons

Mat 2:15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.

1)Mat 2:15 estuvo allá hasta la muerte de Herodes (el Grande), para que se cumpliera lo que el Señor habló por medio del profeta, diciendo: “DE EGIPTO LLAME A MI HIJO.” NBLH 2)Mat 2:15 Il y resta jusqu’à la mort d’Hérode, afin que s’accomplît ce que le Seigneur avait annoncé par le prophète: J’ai appelé mon fils hors d’Égypte. FLS 3)Mat 2:15 En was aldaar tot den dood van Herodes; opdat vervuld zou worden hetgeen van den Heere gesproken is door den profeet, zeggende: Uit Egypte heb Ik Mijn Zoon geroepen. DSV

Born in Bethlehem, 4)Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. KJV 5)Mat 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem KJV
taken to Egypt, until you called him. 6)Mat 2:14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:
Mat 2:15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son. KJV
7)Hos 11:1 When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. KJV
In that same way, Father God, you call us. 8)Joh 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Joh 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Created in the image of the Spirit, 9)Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. KJV
formed from the dust of this world. 10)Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. KJV
Called from The World, as all must come from The World to Your Kingdom. 11)Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature KJV

Blessed Be The Lord God Of hosts
Magnify, Glorify Jesus Christ The King

1Mat 2:15 estuvo allá hasta la muerte de Herodes (el Grande), para que se cumpliera lo que el Señor habló por medio del profeta, diciendo: “DE EGIPTO LLAME A MI HIJO.” NBLH
2Mat 2:15 Il y resta jusqu’à la mort d’Hérode, afin que s’accomplît ce que le Seigneur avait annoncé par le prophète: J’ai appelé mon fils hors d’Égypte. FLS
3Mat 2:15 En was aldaar tot den dood van Herodes; opdat vervuld zou worden hetgeen van den Heere gesproken is door den profeet, zeggende: Uit Egypte heb Ik Mijn Zoon geroepen. DSV
4Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. KJV
5Mat 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem KJV
6Mat 2:14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:
Mat 2:15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son. KJV
7Hos 11:1 When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. KJV
8Joh 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Joh 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
9Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. KJV
10Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. KJV
11Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature KJV

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth And The Life.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1)Joh 14:6 Jesús le dijo: “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre sino por Mí. NBLH 2)Joh 14:6 Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi. FLS 3)Joh 14:6 Jezus zeide tot hem: Ik ben de Weg, en de Waarheid, en het Leven. Niemand komt tot den Vader, dan door Mij. DSV

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.
If you really knew me, you would know my Father too. But now you know the Father. You have seen him.”
Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father. That is all we need.”
Jesus answered, “Philip, I have been with you for a long time. So you should know me. Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father too. So why do you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The things I have told you don’t come from me. The Father lives in me, and he is doing his own work.
Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or believe because of the miracles I have done.
I can assure you that whoever believes in me will do the same things I have done. And they will do even greater things than I have done, because I am going to the Father.
And if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it for you. Then the Father’s glory will be shown through the Son.
If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.

1Joh 14:6 Jesús le dijo: “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre sino por Mí. NBLH
2Joh 14:6 Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi. FLS
3Joh 14:6 Jezus zeide tot hem: Ik ben de Weg, en de Waarheid, en het Leven. Niemand komt tot den Vader, dan door Mij. DSV

God Almighty Is Happy With You And Is With You

Zep 3:17 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

1)Zep 3:20 En aquel tiempo los traeré, En aquel tiempo los reuniré. Ciertamente, les daré renombre y alabanza Entre todos los pueblos de la tierra, Cuando Yo haga volver a sus cautivos ante sus ojos,” Dice el SEÑOR. NBLH 2)Zep 3:20 En ce temps-là, je vous ramènerai; En ce temps-là, je vous rassemblerai; Car je ferai de vous un sujet de gloire et de louange Parmi tous les peuples de la terre, Quand je ramènerai vos captifs sous vos yeux, Dit l’Éternel. FLS 3)Zep 3:20 Te dier tijd zal Ik ulieden herwaarts brengen, ten tijde namelijk, als Ik u verzamelen zal; zekerlijk Ik zal ulieden zetten tot een naam en tot een lof, onder alle volken der aarde, als Ik uw gevangenissen voor uw ogen wenden zal, zegt de HEERE. DSV

Sing and be happy! Shout for joy!Be happy and have fun!
The LORD stopped your punishment. He destroyed your enemies’ strong towers. The LORD is with you.
You don’t need to worry about anything bad happening.
Now, you are told, “Be strong, don’t be afraid!
The LORD your God is with you. He is an almighty warrior. He saved you. He shows how much he loves you and how happy he is with you. He laughs and is happy about you,
like people at a party. He takes away your shame. He makes them stop hurting you.
He punishes those who hurt you. He saves his hurt people and brings back those who were forced to leave. He gives them praise and honor everywhere, even in places where they suffered shame.
He leads you back home. He brings his people back together. He causes people everywhere to honor and praise you. He brings back all the blessings you once had.” This is what the LORD is saying.

Thank You For The Joy That Is In The Fellowship With You.
Thank You For Redeeming Me And Bringing Down The Strongholds In My Life.
Thank You For Your Presence In My Life.
Thank You That I Am No Longer A Slave To Fear.
Thank You For That Boldness That Is In Jesus Christ.
Thank You For Raising Me Up And Anointing Me.
Thank You For All Your Blessings.
In Jesus Name I Pray.

1Zep 3:20 En aquel tiempo los traeré, En aquel tiempo los reuniré. Ciertamente, les daré renombre y alabanza Entre todos los pueblos de la tierra, Cuando Yo haga volver a sus cautivos ante sus ojos,” Dice el SEÑOR. NBLH
2Zep 3:20 En ce temps-là, je vous ramènerai; En ce temps-là, je vous rassemblerai; Car je ferai de vous un sujet de gloire et de louange Parmi tous les peuples de la terre, Quand je ramènerai vos captifs sous vos yeux, Dit l’Éternel. FLS
3Zep 3:20 Te dier tijd zal Ik ulieden herwaarts brengen, ten tijde namelijk, als Ik u verzamelen zal; zekerlijk Ik zal ulieden zetten tot een naam en tot een lof, onder alle volken der aarde, als Ik uw gevangenissen voor uw ogen wenden zal, zegt de HEERE. DSV